Boy oh boy have I gotten bad at updating this blog! SO much as happened since we told our parents! A week later, we had my sister and her family over and we told them. It was basically a replay of telling our parents. We videoed as well. Normally they sit on our couch, but this time they sat on the love seat so I had to maneuver the camera around to gauge their reactions! Here is the video of them finding out!
Afterwards, I called my brother and told him the good news. My mom was in Minnesota at the time and had managed to keep this secret so far! She actually took a copy of the video to Minnesota and showed my Aunt and Grandmother on Saturday. They were obviously very excited as well!
We got lots of questions of when we would announce on Facebook. Matt and I decided to wait until our next doctors appointment on August 14. I knew we would get to hear the heartbeat and wanted to wait before announcing to the world. Meanwhile, word was slooowly making it's way to my extended family (Most of Matt's family knew from the prior week).
August 14 came and we anxiously excitedly went to the doctor. It took a while to find, but the doctor finally found our baby's heartbeat: a strong 165. According to Old Wives Tales, this means girl! However, both Matt and I think it's a boy. He thinks so because "boys are faster swimmers." I think it might be a boy based on ovulation day (TMI?!). We'll actually find out in 8 days!
We came home and announced on Facebook. I was shocked there were some members of my extended family who hadn't yet heard! Clearly there was a break in the Fralix Family Communication Chain.
I went back to work the next day officially, even though I had been setting up my room for over a week. I got lots of congratulations from all of my sweet coworkers.
I have been very lucky since I have had really no sickness and had very little food aversions (meat is the only one really). I've been tired, but when I am ever
not tired?! Plus, starting school back = tired Bonnie.
Matt and I have called our little baby many different things from butterbean to M&M. It's hard to always call baby the same thing and we have definitely said "it" several times when referring to baby. It's so hard not knowing the sex! It'll be nice to say he or she.
We've come up with a few names, but decided to hold off until we find out the sex. For a girl, we both like Annelise or (Annaleise, Anneleise, Annalise). For a boy, we've tossed around several names like Ethan, Elliot, Mason, and Bennett. Since we can't decide on a boy's name, we'll probably have a boy!
I can definitely not fit into most of my regular pants and shorts. My
belly band is a lifesaver! Luckily, my BFF
Jessie is graciously lending me her maternity clothes. I am living in skirts and dresses for now, which I normally would be doing anyways since it's SO dang hot! I'll be totally honest, I don't think I'm "showing" that much...rather, I've just stopped sucking in!
We had a wedding this past weekend for my cousin
Barbara Ellen and I won't was NICE to not have to suck in! HA! It did suck to not be able to drink. Luckily, I got some cranberry, orange, & pineapple juice and it was mighty tasty!
Here's a fun little survey: GAH....the last time I did this I was 9 weeks!
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: At my last appointment I hadn't gained anything. That won't last for long...
Maternity clothes? No, but my belly band is a lifesaver!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: It has gotten MUCH better since I've started working again. I sleep pretty well, but have been getting up very early on the weekends.
Best moment this week: Seeing family at the wedding
Miss Anything? Coke Zero & Diet Dr. Pepper...sooooo much
Movement: I keep waiting, but nothing yet.
Food cravings: None.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Large chunks of thank you!
Have you started to show yet: Other people are definitely noticing, including people that don't see me on a daily basis. Like I said before though, I've just stopped sucking in ;)
Gender: Leaning more towards boy, but the pimples on my face make me think a little girl is trying to steal my beauty...ha!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On, but I can't wear my right hand ring. I'm having lots of lovely skin issues (which I'm pretty sure is unrelated to pregnancy).
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but I definitely have my moments. I can get irritated quite easily :)
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex! I really hope baby cooperates :)
Toodles until next time (hopefully not another month away!).