Sunday, July 22, 2012

Telling the Parents

Last night we told our parents!

We've been having game nights for a while, so we invited them over for a game night.  Usually my sister and her family come over, but they are out of town for vacation.

Originally, Matt's parents were going to be going out of town this weekend.  However, they decided not too because his dad was really busy.  So, I casually suggested game night to them on Tuesday.  They were in and my parents were in.  However, on Thursday, they told us they would have to pass.  Matt got on the phone and forced convinced them to come.

Phew.  That was close.

I set up a video camera before they came to video their reactions.  I tried it in so many places, but it was hard to find a place that would record the love seat, couch, and chair.  I finally found the perfect place.  As soon as we saw my parents pull up, I hit the record button and we were good to go.

Matt needed to finish the burgers and hot dogs and I would pretend the potatoes weren't done and suggest we watch the video.  In all actuality, the potatoes weren't done so it worked out nicely.

This is the video we showed them:

They had NO idea so we definitely pulled off the surprise!  I was so excited and of course, they were too!

Shortly afterwards, Matt called both sets of grandparents and they were all thrilled.  My parents and I are holding off telling anyone on our side of the family because we want my sister to know first.  My mom thinks she'd rather find out in person, and I really don't want to tell her over the phone while she's on vacation.  It is interesting to note that when I found out my Aunt Malinda was pregnant, Michele was out of town then as well!

We finally ate and later as we were sitting around, Matt called his brother Thomas while he was at work on break and left a message for him to call us.  5 minutes later he showed up!  So, we showed him the video as well.  He didn't get it until the pregnancy test pictures but he was really excited as well.  We're so glad to finally let our loved ones know.  

Here's the video of our families watching the video :)

Now, the hard part.  We have to wait until Friday to tell my sister!  It's going to be a long week.  My parents won't tell any family members until after my sister knows.  SO excited!  I plan to video her reaction as well :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ultrasound #2

Wow, it's hard to believe it's been so long since I first wrote.  I guess I never wrote about our first ultrasound.  Honestly, there wasn't a whole lot to see.  Here's the 4-1-1.

Our appointment was on June 26.  When I went, I should have been over 6 weeks.  I had the ultrasound and there was hardly anything there.  Here's a picture.

I'm not sure why it won't rotate.  Basically we saw the yolk sac and a faint flicker (the heartbeat), but there really was not much to see.

Since we didn't see that much and I was measuring 6 days behind, I honestly wasn't sure what to think.  I was worried about what we would find out our next appointment which was 3 whole weeks away on July 17.  I knew worrying would do no good, so I tried not to.  It was hard and those 3 weeks really dragged on.

We went for our appointment yesterday and I was honestly planning for the worst.  The doctor seemed confident however.  I held my breath as the ultrasound began and I could tell immediately we had a growing baby!  

Seriously, what a difference!  

Overall, I've felt pretty good.  I'm definitely tired A LOT.  I take naps almost daily and don't know how on earth I'd be functioning if I was teaching right now.  There have definitely been days where I've felt pretty sick.  If I haven't eaten in a while I feel very sick.

Here's a fun little questionnaire I've seen on other blogs:

How far along? 9 weeks. So happy to be closer to my initial due date of 2/15!  Baby Walton's new EDD is 2/18
Total weight gain/loss: I think maybe 1 or 2.  I haven't been tracking it, although I should.  I just eat when I'm hungry and try to get in 30 minutes of exercise daily.
Maternity clothes? Nope.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Definitely not as good as it used to be.  I used to never wake up to go to the bathroom.  Now I'm waking up about once a night.  When I get back in bed, I usually have a really hard time falling asleep.  It's frustrating!
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby on the ultrasound.  It provided peace of mind!
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night!
Movement: We saw it on the screen, but definitely too early to feel anything.
Food cravings: None.  I crave water a lot, but there's no food I crave in particulary.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken.  Particularly fast food commercials for "real" chicken tenders and eating  a big piece of chicken.  Yuck!
Have you started to show yet: No.  I've always had a bulge on my stomach so I feel like I've looked preggers for a really long time.  I also look really {and feel} really bloated.
Gender: Matt thinks it's a boy, I think it's a girl.  One of us has to be right!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On, but I had to get my wedding band resized.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but I definitely have my moments.
Looking forward to: Telling our parents this weekend!  I have the perfect way to tell them planned out.  I am SO excited!
Here's a video we took at our ultrasound yesterday.  ♥